Hi there! I'm Maura. I work with people experiencing chronic tension, stress and fatigue to support the whole self, regulate the nervous system, and move in a therapeutic way that feels natural.  

Have you ever been so much in your mind that you lost your awareness of your body? Many of us can relate to this on a daily basis! This often leads to poor postural alignment, disconnection to our core, and misreading our body's signals. 

Patterns of stress, tension & holding can accumulate in the body and mind.

I've leaned on Therapeutic Yoga, Yamuna Body Rolling, Meditation + Reiki throughout each of my 3 pregnancies and postpartum, healing an ankle injury, and reconnecting to my body and core. These practices support a quality of intentionality into relationships, work, and living in alignment with my values. 

My approach is to guide you every step of the way, while leaving space for you to drop inward, experience, and observe subtle sensations.

I look forward to connecting & supporting you where you are.

My Holistic Approach

Combines Yamuna Body Rolling, Yamuna Foot Fitness, Yamuna Core + Pelvic Floor, Therapeutic Yoga, Acupressure, Tapping & Meditation. I am also a Usui Reiki Master & Thai Bodywork practitioner. 

In a 1:1 sessions we assess joint mobility, strength & release of tension through simple and effective exercises. I provide ongoing support & give you the tools you'll need to address areas of tension, so that you can maintain the level of ease, integration and freedom you find through working with me. A series of therapeutic sessions greatly compliment Physical Therapy, Massage Therapy, Acupuncture & Chiropractic care. 

Can you relate to...

Feeling tired & fatigued, lacking desire to exercise or go to gym?

Wake up feeling stiff, uncomfortable bending over in the morning?

Disappointed that you're restricted by pain & experience tension in your body?

Have tried physical therapy & sometimes feel unmotivated… PT didn’t feel like a long term sustainable solution to manage your aches? 

Don’t like taking pain relievers & just putting bandaid on the symptom?

Confused & overwhelmed about what to do to get back to feeling connected in body?

Don’t want to just start with any program, with fear of it aggravating pain?

Want energy back & long term sustainable solution?

Start Moving in a Therapeutic & Enjoyable Way

Wake up feeling relaxed & at ease in your body

Move about with less aches, garden, go for walks, feel limber & at ease

Prioritize yourself, feel back in control of your health & body

Release any feelings of guilt about taking time for your health

Feel motivated & look forward to the time you set aside to do the guided Therapeutic Yoga & Yamuna Body rolling practices 2-3x a week 

Understand how these simple & effective exercises can support the health of your hips and back

Finally have your energy back & feel like yourself

Learn More

Mary Burt

“Thank you my private yoga today. I felt reborn when I left and committed to doing some of that at home. It was a healing and a learning. You have such a gift, not just as a yoga teacher but mostly knowing what is just the right thing to do for individuals or a group.”

Suzanne Laberge

“I will be forever grateful to the PT who referred me to the Willard Beach Studio for Yamuna body rolling. Thanks to my bi-weekly classes in the friendly atmosphere I am able to keep this body flexible and pain relieved in my late seventies.”

Lena Caravaggio

“There’s a soft approach to a whole-body total workout in yoga. I never knew that until attending your classes, Maura. Your spirit exudes in the class bringing a motivation to go deeper: deeper into a pose and deeper into a mind- body connection. You always offer something new, yet what stays constant is what keeps us coming to your class: that warm sense of peace you bring, your welcoming smile and gentle encouragement to either ‘stay here or go further’. In the year I’ve known you, my body has learned to release tension from joints in which I never knew I was holding stress. All I can say is thank you. You are truly a gift.”

Astrid Vigeland

Maura eased me into a practice, assessing what I required on both a broad scale as well as recognizing my specific needs and continues to do so. On any given day she seems to have an innate ability to know exactly what needs to be addressed. Maura is patient, articulate and encouraging while also pushing me to meet my capabilities and her extensive knowledge of anatomy and holistic remedies work in synergy with her teaching.

It is my pleasure to recommend Maura - she has a true gift!

Nancy Skapinsky

I am just getting back into yoga practice and these recent one/one visits with Maura are exactly what I needed. Maura is able to demonstrate and explain in detail specific poses. She has instilled the confidence I need to now join her group classes!